A new documentary has reproduced the mysterious sounds heard at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean that gave false hope that the crew of the ill-fated submarine Titan might survive.
After the underwater submarine lost contact with the mother ship during a trip to the Titanic wreck last summer, reports said on the second day of the search that “knocking” sounds heard by rescuers were echoing in the depths at 30-minute intervals.
The documentary, The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute, which will be broadcast by Britain's Channel 5 on March 6 and 7, will give viewers a glimpse into the fateful day the Ocean Gate-owned submarine disappeared in the North Atlantic Ocean with five passengers on board.
The film is scheduled to reveal the mysterious noises that sounded like someone “knocking” on metal, which were discovered during searches.
During the desperate search, the sound raised hopes that someone was alive and trying to send a message. But it was later determined that the noise could not have been from the passengers and crew of the submarine because they died instantly in the catastrophic explosion that Titan suffered about two hours into its journey.
However, it is not clear what the real reason for the knocking is.
The documentary, which records the rescue attempt, depicts searchers listening to the noise at the time and hoping it was coming from the missing crew members.
Former British Navy submarine captain Ryan Ramsay commented on the abnormal rhythm of the sounds, saying: “It could be someone knocking. The symmetry between those knocks is very unusual. It is rhythmic, as if someone is making this sound, and the fact that it is repeated is really strange.” .
The interesting sound was captured by the Canadian Air Force. Reports revealed that the sounds were first made at around 11:30 pm on June 20, and the US Navy confirmed that they detected the sound the next morning as well.
Initially, many speculated that the "knocking" sound was coming from one of the five passengers on board the Titan hitting its walls in an attempt to signal their location to the search team. However, officials tried to temper expectations and suggested that the sounds may have been caused by the ocean or by other ships in the area.
Hopes were tragically dashed when the Odysseus 6K, the search team's lead submarine, reached the ocean floor and found the wreck of a Titan submarine about 1,600 feet (490 meters) from the bow of the Titanic.
Ten days after the submarine Titan's disappearance on June 18, the Coast Guard announced that "presumed human remains" had been found in the submarine's wreckage.
Investigators believe that the Titan exploded just an hour and 45 minutes after it dived near the Titanic's wreckage, reaching a depth of about 12,000 feet (3.6 km) under the sea's surface.
The enormous water pressure killed everyone on board the submarine, likely within milliseconds.
The five victims are British billionaire Hamish Harding (58 years old), Shahzada Daoud (48 years old), and his son Suleiman Daoud (19 years old), who are of Pakistani origin, and French Navy pilot Paul-Henri Narjolet (77 years old), CEO of OceanGate, which organized the trip. , Stockton Rush.
Officials are still investigating evidence obtained from the recovery missions ahead of an expected public hearing on the incident.
The release of the documentary sparked great interest and discussion about the Titan disaster. The mystery of the noises still captures the public's imagination and raises a lot of speculation.