Abby Phillip Calls Out Republicans’ 'Spectacular' Border Failure

1 year ago 4

It’s bad enough that Donald Trump has demanded Republican congressmembers refuse to help solve a problem they keep fear mongering about, because that’s better for him politically. But it’s even worse that the folks who were elected to solve problems for Americans are refusing to do so. The Oklahoma GOP even censured their own Trump-supporting Sen. James Lankford for supporting a bipartisan border deal he helped craft.

CNN’s Abby Phillip put it perfectly: “After demanding that Biden do something about the border, Republicans are now condemning him for doing exactly that and they're refusing to help because it may help Democrats,” Phillip said. “For the group of Americans elected with the task of governing, they’re failing spectacularly and they’re doing so for political purposes.”

That made President Biden’s message to both parties at the National Prayer Breakfast “all the more ironic,” Phillip added.

She played a clip of Biden saying, “At a moment of deep division in our nation, President Lincoln said, we are not enemies. He said, we are not enemies. But friends, we must not be enemies.”

Sadly, MAGA Republicans don’t care about governing or being non-enemies, much less friends with anyone that doesn’t boost their fascist power.

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