Also-Ran Accuses Also-Also-Ran Of Being An Environmentalist

1 year ago 7

by Craig Pittman, Florida Phoenix
December 21, 2023

At Christmastime, we’re all encouraged to think about the less fortunate.

That’s why I believe all of us in Florida should send some warm thoughts toward Gov. Ron “I’m Never Gonna Be President, Am I?” DeSantis. The man’s presidential campaign has turned into such a disaster, I’m surprised FEMA officials haven’t rushed in to set up emergency shelters.

He’s dropped in the polls like a rock falling off the top of the 22-story state Capitol.

His super PAC has been unpacked. His major donors are fleeing like stockbrokers in 1929 running for the nearest window ledge.

And to add insult to injury, Nikki Haley keeps accusing him of being an environmentalist. The horror!

The onetime South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador has been smacking at DeSantis like he’s a cockroach crawling up her kitchen wall. Haley started this bizarre line of attack in September and continued it through this month, which means she thinks it’s working.

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