Bartiromo Frustrated No Proof China Sending 'Mini-Army Across' The Border

9 months ago 4

MAGA Fox Business Queen Maria Bartiromo was upset that Rep. Mark Green had no evidence China is sending thousands of people across the US border to create a mini-army in America.

GREEN: You know, China, who clearly is doing everything they can to upset the current world order and take over as the hegemon of the world, they are sending, you know, we've got these tens of thousands of people coming. It's something we should consider as a national security risk, and the Democrats don't seem interested.

BARTIROMO: Well, that's what I'm saying.

I mean, you can't just pick up and leave China and move to America, right?


They have to have approval, authorities have to okay something like that.

So again, are they being directed? Is this a coordinated situation where Xi Jinping is creating a little mini-army in America?

GREEN: Yeah, we don't have any evidence of that, but what we do have is evidence that there are certain numbers of them, and in fact the majority of them are single males, but not all of them.

We have no evidence but there are numbers. Poor, foolish Maria Bartiromo was hoping China was sending a mini-militia force over to our country to start a Red war on our own soil. What a sicko

Green had to give Maria at least a sliver of hope, but she wasn't buying it.

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