Bill O’Reilly Big Mad His Books Were Removed From FL Libraries

1 year ago 5

According to Newsweek, it’s not clear why Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus: A History, and Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency were pulled for review by the Escambia County, Florida public school district.

Other books reportedly removed for review include encyclopedias, The Guinness Book of World Records as well as books by David Baldacci, Stephen King, John Grisham and Nicholas Sparks.

O’Reilly originally supported the book banning law, he told Newsweek. But now that his own books have been removed for review, he’s not so happy.

"When DeSantis signed the book law, I supported the theme because there was abuse going on in Florida. There were far-left progressive people trying to impose an agenda on children, there's no doubt about it. And the state has an obligation to protect children. But the wording of the law was far too nebulous in Tallahassee," O'Reilly told Newsweek.

"So, that law needs to be tightened up, DeSantis needs to come out publicly and say 'this is insane, we're not going to cooperate with this and we're going to investigate the people who did it,'" O'Reilly said.

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