Bitget Wallet, a renowned Web3 wallet with global recognition in Asia, has partnered with Ethena, a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum. Users who have deposited a minimum of 100 USDT in the last three months on Ethena will be eligible for a BWB points airdrop. After the airdrop campaign ends, users can convert their BWB points into BWB tokens. In addition, Ethena has made an exciting announcement regarding its USDe stablecoin. Users who lock their USDe stablecoin for at least 7 days on the Bitget Wallet will now receive a generous 20% reward boost.
This partnership lets users easily interact with Ethena through Bitget Wallet’s browser extension and mobile app. It provides a streamlined experience for managing token transactions, exchanging USDe, participating in staking, and joining the Pendle campaign. Users can deposit ENA tokens into Pendle to earn points or secure fixed rates. Ethena can now be easily accessed through Bitget Wallet’s DApp browser on mobile, making user interaction more seamless.
Bitget Wallet has recently introduced the BWB Ecosystem Partner Program, aiming to encourage engagement in the DeFi sector and support the development of collaborative initiatives. This initiative brings together over 70 blockchains and projects, including Ethena, and rewards active users through BWB Points. The BWB token will begin its Token Generation Event (TGE) and Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) in the second quarter.
In an exciting development, Bitget Wallet has launched a BWB Points airdrop campaign designed explicitly for Ethena users who have made transactions totalling at least 100 USDT in the last three months. Qualified participants are eligible to receive BWB Points, which can later be converted into BWB tokens, the main token of Bitget Wallet’s ecosystem. The airdrop, which will run until April 28th, is available to both new and existing Bitget Wallet users and active users of other well-known Web3 wallets. It involves completing specific wallet tasks to increase point accumulation.
Bitget Wallet is excited to announce this collaboration, resulting from Ethena’s impressive performance over the past month. Ethena’s USDe stablecoin quickly rose to the top as the most profitable decentralized application, boasting an impressive 67% annual percentage yield (APY) since its launch in mid-March. The current annual percentage yield (APY) on its stablecoins is an impressive 24%.
Ethena’s USDe is a groundbreaking monetary solution resistant to censorship, highly scalable, and designed specifically for cryptocurrency. It is fully backed, and all transactions are transparently recorded on the blockchain, enabling effortless integration within the DeFi ecosystem. The stability of the USDe peg is maintained by employing delta hedging, which helps balance derivatives positions with the protocol-held collateral.