CNN’s Credibility on Line in What Bash Asks VP Harris in Interview

1 month ago 1

CNN’s Dana Bash will either toss softballs to Vice President Kamala Harris in her interview on Thursday—or she will ask tough questions.

Her decision will either galvanize, or diminish, the perception that CNN is leftist propaganda.

Here are three questions Bash should ask the would-be president:

1) “Why have you ignored the millions of migrant women and girls who have been raped on the way to the U.S. southern border—and done nothing to help the U.S. Border Patrol to ensure that their rapists are not allowed onto our soil?

“Early in the Biden administration, you were assigned the task of being the ‘border czar,’ purportedly to help stop the influx of foreign nationals from all over the world who attempt to unlawfully enter U.S. soil, after refusing to comply with our established immigration and refugee procedures, background checks, etc.”

Much has been reported about the estimated 9 million to 10 million illegal aliens who ignored our immigration laws, and walked/sneaked into America. That doesn’t include the estimated 20% more who are classified as “got-aways”—meaning, they evaded our Border Patrol officers, are now on U.S. soil, whose backgrounds and intents are totally unknown.

Against this background, in 2014, the far-left Huffington Post reported U.N. data showing that “80% of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into the U.S.” Here’s an excerpt:

As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.

The rapists—often the smugglers whom the migrants must pay to help get them get across our border—don’t even bother hiding what they are doing to these females. To the contrary, like Hamas, they create “trophies” of what they did; in this case, in the form of “rape trees,” on which they display the underwear of the women and girls they sexually terrorized.

2) “What is your position on Customs and Border Protection’s recent refusal to release data on how many individuals on our terrorist watchlist have been caught at our border—attempting to enter America or were interdicted on U.S. soil—since you took office?”

Continuing on the border, immigration, and national security front, we’ve seen report after report of individuals who on the terrorist watchlist being arrested at our border, or who made it onto U.S. soil.

On May 16, Fox News reported, “Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has rejected a request by Fox News to reveal the nationalities of people on the FBI terror watchlist arrested at the border by Border Patrol, citing ‘privacy interests’ of those involved.”

3) “What is your position on President Joe Biden’s statement that he wants to begin importing Gaza Palestinians onto U.S. soil—even though he knows that most support Hamas and hate America?

“As you probably know, on May 1 and 2, the AP and Fox News reported that Biden is considering importing Palestinian ‘refugees’ onto U.S. soil.

“I assume he and you are aware of the data that shows there are no people on earth who hate America more than Palestinians, and that the overwhelming majority of them support Hamas, its quest to destroy Israel, and its killing, rape, torture, and kidnapping of Jews on Oct. 7.”

  • February 2014: A Pew Research Center survey showed that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank dislike the U.S. more than any other group, with 76% of respondents, the most on the list, qualifying America as an “enemy.”
  • 84% of Palestinians in the West Bank, and 64% in the Gaza Strip, say they support Hamas’ Oct. 7  attack.
  • 62% of those in the West Bank say they have a “very positive” view of Hamas.
  • More than 70% of Palestinians in both regions reject any “two-state solution,” and instead want Israel destroyed and replaced by a Palestinian nation.

As summarized in this infographic (excerpted from here), before Hamas’ Oct. 7 slaughter of Jews, the terrorist group enjoyed overwhelming support from the vast majority of Palestinians in both territories—support that has continued even after that terrorist attack:

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