Coinbase Down - Cause Unknown for an Unplanned Coinbase outage, Ongoing For 3+ Hours...

5 months ago 5
Coinbase down

 Late Sunday night in the US, Coinbase users were greeted with the following message:

Coinbase is temporarily unavailable. Our servers are busy. We’re looking into it and expect our usual service to return soon. Your funds are safe.

The Outage Began Nearly 3 Hours Ago, and Continues at Time Of Publishing...

First reports of the outage began at 9:20pm (US West Coast time, where Coinbase is located) and has continued to the time of writing this article, 12am.  

The only update from Coinbase so far was at 11:20pm, stating:

We're seeing some services recover. We know customers may still be encountering connectivity problems and we appreciate your patience while we work to correct this. We're still monitoring this closely.

However, no one from our team was able to successfully access the exchange via desktop browsers or their mobile app. 

Author: Justin Derbek
New York News Desk
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