Colonel Says Promotion Denied For Revealing Lies By Flynn's Brother

1 year ago 5

Col. Earl Matthews, a former lawyer for the D.C. National Guard, has accused Army officials of retaliating against him for telling Congress two top Army officers lied about the delay in deployment of the National Guard on Jan. 6th, according to a complaint filed with the Defense Department. Via the New York Times:

Colonel Matthews, who was involved in key meetings about the Guard deployment, said he initially gave his account of what happened to Congress in 2021 after he saw top Army officials try to downplay their role in the delay.

In particular, Colonel Matthews said he was infuriated by a report he said was overseen by Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt of the Army that he described as a “misleading, factually flawed and revisionist recitation of events” that he viewed as shifting the blame for the delay onto D.C. National Guard leadership. He was also angered by what he viewed as a faulty report from the Defense Department’s inspector general that relied on some of the same material.

Colonel Matthews drafted a 36-page memo that he submitted to the House Jan. 6 committee, accusing General Piatt and Gen. Charles Flynn of being “absolute and unmitigated liars” in their testimony before Congress.

We know who Gen. Flynn is, right?

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