Daily Wire Host: White People Should Be Able To Use The N-Word

9 months ago 6

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh has outed himself as a racist on quite a few occasions. Just last week, Walsh made the bizarre claim that white men aren't allowed to build airports anymore. And now he's expressing frustration over Black people being able to use the n-word, but white people can't. Someone actually pays the guy to talk about unimportant things. This time, it's about an alleged white pizza delivery guy who said the n-word, and I suppose he saw the ring video footage online and determined that it was a hoax. However, according to Walsh, a father of six, white people should be able to use the offensive word if Black people do. Walsh feels that Black people are oppressing whites. Stop laughing. That's how he rolls.

"The claim, I guess, is that this Pizza Hut delivery guy just casually uses the n-word with customers as a greeting because that's what it would be. Like, if he actually said it there, then that's how -- he didn't even mean it as an insult," Walsh said, according to Media Matters. "He just -- this is apparently just what he -- this is his way of saying hello."

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