Dem primaries to decide if Colo stays moderately radical or goes full tilt loony

8 months ago 5

Tuesday’s election outcome will determine whether the legislature continues to tilt to the far radical left or pull back to the liberal middle among the Democrats who will retain control at the state Capital.

Republicans don’t stand a chance of winning back either chamber, with no help from former state Rep. and current party chairman Dave Williams who is focused on getting himself elected to Congress.

Millions are being spent on Democrat primary races that pit the liberal corporate shills against progressives and socialists endorsed by big unions promising a workers’ paradise.

And while much focus has been on divisions within the GOP and tradition-breaking endorsements by the party chairman, Gov. Polis has weighed into the Democrat fray to publicly oppose incumbent state Rep. Elisabeth Epps of Denver and endorse her opponent, Sean Camacho.

The Colorado Sun has the rundown of the most contentious Democrat battles for ideological supremacy and who’s paying for whom.

Democratic Socialists of America candidate Tim Hernandez has outraised his challenger with $117,000 compared to $104,000 raised by Cecelia Espenoza.

But Hernandez is complaining that she’s the big money candidate because the teachers and other unions shortchanged him and only kicked in $100,000, compared to $150,000 spent by PACs for Espenoza.

Behold the hypocrisy:

“The fights are really clear,” Hernández said. “In the statehouse, moneyed interests — powerful interests — are interested in maintaining a culture that is harmful to poor people, that exploits workers. And we need somebody who’s willing to go out there and take on the hard fights.”

Read about the other top Democrat races here, which will decide whether Colorado goes full tilt boogie to the left, or just the far out regular loony left.

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