Diminished Donald Can't Answer A Simple Policy Question

11 months ago 4

Earlier this morning on Fox and Friends, traitor Trump was unable to explain to viewers what policies or actions he would use to help fight inflationary costs on food and energy instead focusing on MAGA supporters at an Allen, Texas diner broadcast before the interview.


MAGA darling and F&F co-host Lawrence Jones teed up the golf-obsessed former guy with a question as simple as asking about the weather.

"What are you going to do to give us some relief when it comes to inflation," Jones asked. "People going to the, you know, whether it's the gas station or the grocery store, they are being hit hard. How do you fix that in the first 100 days?"

Trump's addled mind had no answer but his narcissistic need to be worshiped took control.

"First of all let me speak to the people in the diner," Trump replied.

(Fox News routinely fills up these rural "common folk" diners with Trump supporters and uses them to attack President Biden and prop up criminals like Trump. It should also be noted that the inflation rate is low and steady, but that doesn't stop them from pretending it's high and terrible.)

Diminished Donald was elated that they support him 100%.

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