Divorcee Kellyanne Conway Says Dems Aren't Catholic Enough

10 months ago 4

Right-wing strategist and Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway has been showing up on various programs to try out her newest line of attack messaging: Democratic politicians don’t say “thoughts and prayers” enough.

[Editor's note: Above is a compilation of Kellyanne talking to both Laura Ingraham and Larry Kudlow, because she repeats her talking points on whatever show she's on.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: if you go into any Catholic church, you and I are both Catholic, in any suburb in this country on a Sunday, you walk into any Catholic church, we're both Catholic, Larry, you walk into any Catholic church in any major suburb in our nation on a Saturday, Sunday, who's in there?

It's multi-generations of Hispanics and Asian-Americans filling up those pews in some of those masses.

Multi-generations in the pews of Hispanics and Asian-Americans, I've seen it firsthand.

And you have Democrats always offering us their thoughts, never their prayers.

Now, they won't even say thoughts and prayers anymore.

I offer you my thoughts, Larry.

They won't even say prayers.

Big social science surveys, people are losing their faith, they feel lonely, they feel isolated.

We should be talking more about faith, not less.]

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