CNN's Sara Sidner was taken aback when a conservative pundit claimed President Donald Trump's alleged defiance of a federal judge's order this week was just "Trump being Trump."
Pete Seat, former GOP White House spokesperson, argued that no one should be shocked by Trump's actions, especially after watching the president's defiant Fox interview with Laura Ingraham Tuesday night.
Sidner began, "Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who wrote the opinion to give Donald Trump wide presidential immunity, is snapping back at the president for his comments on a judge whose ruling Trump simply doesn't like."
Sidner then asked Seat, "How can any Republican stand by Trump on his vicious attacks on a sitting judge just because he didn't like what the judge ruled, because it didn't go the way Trump wanted it to?"
Seat answered that Roberts was just "standing up for the integrity of a co-equal branch of government. But, the the part that's being conveniently left out of this interview with Laura Ingraham is that President Trump said he has not defied, nor would he in the future defy a judicial order."
Seat continued, "That's what this is really all about, are questions that the White House, that the executive branch defied this judge, and he made very clear that he has not, nor would he. That is the real story here."
Sidner tried again, "So, what I'm saying is, how do Republicans stand by someone who says that a that a judge should be impeached for making a decision simply because the president doesn't like it?"
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Seat answered that we shouldn't "prejudge ourselves" by deciding whether or not to support Trump.
"But do Republicans stand by a president that says a judge should be impeached just because that federal judge did not respond in the way that the president wanted him to, did not rule in the president's favor?" Sidner asked again.
Seat answered, "Republicans are going to make their decision on whether they agree with what he has to say. But this is consistent with who Donald Trump is. And...politically, it works for Donald Trump. Look at the entire campaign and how he reacted to his time in the courtroom and the decisions that were being made by judges during that he attacks when he is not being supported. This is not new coming from him."
"Not, new...does it make it right?" Sidner asked Democratic consultant Karen Finney.
"No! I mean, this is not a hard question!" Finney answered.