Elise Stefanik's Magnificent Self-Own

11 months ago 4

Elise Stefanik is trying so very hard to be Trump's VP pick while still pretending Republicans are the party of Reagan and that "shining city on a hill."

In today's installment of "what dumb question can I ask that will invoke Reagan," Stefanik actually went there.

Reading from prepared remarks, Stefanik asked, "As Ronald Reagan famously asked us, are you better off today than you were four years ago?"

And then she answered, "The answer for hardworking Americans across the country is a resounding no."

Huh. Let's climb back in our time machine to March 6, 2020. In early March, 2020, the coronavirus was spreading rapidly. Some colleges were beginning to close to prevent the spread, Trump planned and then canceled and then rescheduled a trip to the CDC, and his administration was considering tax cuts (no, really!) for airlines and cruise ships who were already hurting because of the spread of COVID-19.

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