In a cryptic yet intriguing exchange on the X platform, formerly Twitter, Elon Musk, the owner of X, hinted at the imminent arrival of XMail. Meanwhile, this revelation has sent ripples through the tech industry, sparking discussions about the potential impact of launching X’s email service. Besides, Elon Musk teasing the launch was also seen speculation mounting over the potential competition it could pose to Google’s longstanding email service, Gmail.
Elon Musk Teases X Email Service XMail Launch
The recent announcement from X owner Elon Musk about the upcoming launch of XMail, an email service of the X platform, has created a buzz in the technology market. Meanwhile, Nate McGrady, a member of X’s Engineering and Security team, recently raised the question of when XMail would be launched.
In response, Elon Musk said, “It’s Coming,” setting the tech world abuzz with anticipation. Notably, a flurry of tech enthusiasts view this as a strategic move by X to enter the email service domain dominated by Google’s Gmail.
In addition, the timing of X’s potential foray into email services coincides with rumors circulating about Google’s rumored plans to sunset Gmail. A manipulated image began circulating on social media platforms including X, suggesting Gmail’s impending closure by August 1, 2024.
However, Google swiftly refuted these claims through an X post from the Gmail handle, affirming Gmail’s continuity. In an official post, Gmail said “Gmail is here to stay.” Meanwhile, Google affirming to continue its service was also applauded by the crypto community like Dogecoin founder Shibetoshi Nakamoto, Polygon, and others.
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Google’s Recent Controversies
The recent announcement from Elon Musk also coincides with Google’s recent controversies over Gemini image creation. The tech giant has faced heavy backlash for its AI Chatbot’s image creation.
For context, Google’s Gemini AI chatbot recently faced scrutiny over its text-to-image generation capabilities, drawing criticism from figures like Elon Musk and Republican leader Vivek Ramaswamy. Musk denounced Google’s AI as “insane” and “anti-civilizational” due to alleged racial biases in its image generation. On the other hand, Ramaswamy echoed concerns about Google’s ideological echo chamber and the potential biases ingrained in its artificial intelligence (AI) programming.
In response to the backlash, Google paused Gemini’s image-generation feature, acknowledging inaccuracies in historical depictions. They pledged to release an improved version soon. However, despite the setbacks, Google remains committed to addressing the issues surrounding Gemini’s AI capabilities.
Meanwhile, the convergence of these events underscores the intensifying competition and ethical challenges within the tech industry. With XMail on the horizon and Google navigating controversies, the landscape of digital communication platforms is poised for significant shifts. As stakeholders eagerly await further developments, the battle for supremacy in email services is poised to intensify.
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The post Elon Musk’s X To Soon Launch XMail Competing Google appeared first on CoinGape.