Fetterman To Overly Critical Dems: You Might As Well Get A MAGA Hat

11 months ago 8

Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman wasn't messing around today with Democrats who have been upping their game in criticizing President Biden during an election year.

"The president is going to win here in Pennsylvania," Fetterman said on MSNBC's Morning Joe. "And I've always believed that whoever wins Pennsylvania is going to be the next president as well, too."

"And this is going to be, it's going to be difficult," he continued. "And we all have to lean in on that. And we also have to start having all kinds of Democrats criticizing the president, too, publicly. I don't understand why."

"I don't know what's in it for you to do that, whether you're just chasing clout or you want to make it in the news or anything like that," the Democratic Senator said.

"But if you're not willing to just support the president now and say these kinds of things, you might as well just get your MAGA hat because you now are helping to stop this," he added.

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell took a well-deserved shot at people asking the president to step down. People like Ezra Klein, for example. Whose side are they on? President Biden is doing exactly what we put him in office to do. He's keeping his promises on issues like infrastructure and student debt forgiveness. He's doing his job, and now we should do ours since he earned a second term in office.

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