Foodstuffs with contradictory properties

1 year ago 7
Foodstuffs with contradictory properties

There are food substances that, contrary to all expectations, have beneficial properties, while there are other food substances that have hidden harmful properties.

For example, according to Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, fatty foods are harmful, but some of them help reduce cholesterol levels. Sweets also raise the level of glucose in the blood, but some of them reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

- Kefir (a type of yogurt) has a laxative effect when fresh, but when stored for more than three days, eating it causes constipation due to the high level of lactic acid in it.

- Hot peppers. Surprisingly, the biologically active substance capsaicin found in hot peppers protects against the development of gastritis and ulcers. Because it works to train the gastric mucosa and prevent the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, which leads to erosion of the mucous membrane and gastritis. In addition, hot pepper protects against intestinal infections.

- Vegetable oils. What is surprising is that vegetable oils cause weight gain. This is a fact because 100 grams of any vegetable oil contains a thousand calories, and butter contains twice that.

- Grapes, according to the prevailing opinion, eating sweet products is the path to diabetes. But grapes actually reduce the risk of diabetes in those whose blood sugar levels have reached the upper limit. This includes grapes, not grape juice. Because the biologically active substances contained in grapes prevent the development of insulin resistance, which is one of the main causes of diabetes.

A nutrition expert identifies the foods that are most harmful to the brain

Many foodstuffs, such as hydrogenated fats and others, in addition to alcoholic beverages, negatively affect the brain and cognitive functions of humans.

Russian nutrition expert Yelena Tikhomirova points out that excessive consumption of various types of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the brain and cognitive functions of a person.

She says: “Alcohol destroys nerve cells. As has already been proven, although nerve cells are restored, if a person drinks a lot of alcohol, his cognitive functions decline. That is, excessive drinking is extremely harmful to brain function.”

In addition, consumption of processed vegetable oils, or so-called hydrogenated fats, negatively affects brain functions. A classic example of such a product is margarine.

She says: “When a person consumes large amounts of hydrogenated fats, the body cannot process them, so they are stored in cells, including brain cells, which subsequently leads to their early destruction and decreased cognitive functions.”

According to her, excessive consumption of fast food negatively affects brain function, because it contains large amounts of fats, carbohydrates, salt, and various food additives, noting that consuming it with sweet drinks contributes greatly to obesity, the presence of which leads to decreased brain activity.

The doctor points out that sugar is harmful to the brain. Yes, glucose is an essential fuel for the body. Carbohydrates should also be consumed, but when their quantity is reduced periodically and moderate hunger bouts are organized, it will have a positive effect on brain functions.
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