Former Congresswoman Goes Viral With GRUBGATE

1 year ago 9

I think the website Current Revolt put it best in sussing out the facts here:

There are two things Texans know as FACT:

Politicians lie about really stupid stuff.

Mexican food is tasty.

Mayra Flores is intent on returning to Congress in TX-34, with a rematch against Democrat Vincente Gonzalez Jr. She's not doing herself any favors however by not only stealing pictures off the internet and passing them off as her own but then lying about it after the fact. Now a subject of ridicule on Twitter and other platforms, this "micro-scandal" is referred to as "GRUBGATE."

In response to inquiries from Current Revolt and others about her seeming indifference to telling the truth, Mayra Flores did what any self-respecting Republican politician would do in her position, caught red-handed: she closed her former Twitter account and replaced it with an entirely new one.

After this was noticed by the public, Flores locked down her X account and proceeded to change her handle from @MayraFlores_TX to @MayraFlores4Tx.

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