Fox News Pundit Claims Trump Never, Ever Lies

11 months ago 6

Republicans hellbent on covering up Traitor Trump's multitude of wrongdoings and lies are turning it into a sick and twisted art form.

Let's call it Trumphasizing.

Case in point.

Friday on Fox News' Outnumbered, Fox News contributor Johnny Joey Jiminy Cricket Jones pretended Trump never lies because he's bombastic and uses hyperbole. He said that with a straight face. I kid you not.

"When Trump comes out and he uses hyperbole and he's bombastic, get all the troops out of Afghanistan," JJJCJ said. "Every American that doesn't hate Trump already sits there and goes, he's wanting to try to get some troops out of Afghanistan. They don't sit there and go, well, by that statement, he meant every single individual out of Afghanistan."

He added, "The hyperbole of Trump was baked into the assessment of who he was."

Except, JJJCJ, Trump SIGNED the agreement that Biden had to abide by taking every single effing person out of Afghanistan, you sh*t-talking hack.

But wait! There's more. The Fox News Trump liar claimed that fact-checking Trump was the reason why Americans think factcheckers are hacks.

"Fact checking Trump's hyperbole was never going to be a winning strategy," JJJCJ declared. "So they just doubled down on it and doubled down on it and fact-checked everything."

Now, wait for it, because here's where their dishonest, lying, pretzel-twisting Trumphasizing comes in. "And really what it is, it made Americans think fact checkers are full of it or partisanly driven," he chirped.

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