GO VOTE: Ballot returns appallingly low in Colo primary election

8 months ago 11

Voters have been appallingly lax in returning ballots for toddy’s primary election with shamefully low numbers participating in this constitutional republic we all hold so dear.

So get your lazy bums out of the house and take your ballot to the nearest drop box and vote.

As the old saying goes, if you don’t vote, you can’t gripe.

Were this adage enforced in an authoritarian world some believe is just around the corner if Coloradans keeps electing dangerously left loony progressives, more than 80% would have to shut down their social media accounts.

Today is Election Day. Go. Vote.

Ballot returns are at dreadfully low numbers with only 16% of every voter in the state having returned a ballot by Monday.

In Grand Junction where residents must elect a new congressional representative to replace Republican Lauren Boebert, less than 22,000 of Mesa County’s 110,000 registered voters had cast ballots by Friday, reports the Daily Sentinel.

The usual suspects like Secretary of State Jena Griswold are already blaming low turnout on Republicans whom Democrats preach endlessly about the GOP’s mistrust in the vote by mail system.

PeakNation™ will recall that we vote by mail, because the powers that be who know more than we mere mortals insisted it would improve voter apathy and result in stronger voter turnout.

And yet, voter apathy remains overwhelmingly strong on both sides of the political aisle.

Denver Clerk and Recorder Paul Lopez told Denver 7 News that misinformation is the greatest threat faced by election officials.

From the news report:

A survey by the American Politics Research Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder released earlier this year showed that while 88% of Democrats believed Colorado’s elections would be conducted fairly and accurately, only 54% of Republicans and 63% of unaffiliated voters did.

And yet, it’s the Democrat stronghold of Denver where 87% of voters failed to returned ballots by Monday.

The media would do well to ignore their ingrained impulse to always blame Republicans and look elsewhere to explain why Colorado’s vote-by-mail numbers remain low overall.

Denverite came up with a different take-away — blaming, then making excuses for the younger generation who are being outvoted by the boomers in this primary election.

And yet, senior citizens historically outvote the younger generation, so that’s probably not the reason.

Perhaps if elections weren’t such nasty events, flooding the public square through social and the establishment media with petty squabbles and character assassinations?

Then voters might feel more confident in selecting candidates who are qualified instead of tuning out the noise altogether?

But we digress.

Go vote.

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