Good Guy Crookie Award 2023: Hal Sparks

1 year ago 7

These are the times that try men's souls. And women's souls, too.

And when it's YOUR JOB to see what Trump said during his last grift-a-thon, you definitely need some sort of filter to get through the rambling insanity.

Enter Hal Sparks.

During his twice-a-day YouTube / Twitch shows, Hal watches and breaks down segments and speeches not just from Trump, but also Mike Pillow, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and a whole host of other awful people. And he does it with swears!

And he makes it funny. And that makes my world, at least, a better place.

Shameless not-work-safe plug!

A well-deserved Good Guy Crookie for one of the hardest-working and generous YouTubers out there.


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