Greg Gutfeld Projects Next Level MAGA Propaganda

8 months ago 4

The Five host Greg Gutfeld claimed that Fox News is held to a higher standard of journalistic ethics and always vets its stories.


You know, where were these anti-hoaxers when there was the fine people hoax, the drinking bleach hoax, the koi pod hoax, the migrant kids in cages hoax, the border patrol whipping migrants hoax, the lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax, the Russian collusion hoax, the don't say gay bill hoax, did I leave any?

The pee tape hoax.

Where were they?

There's a difference.

When we see something, we vet it.

The media does not because they're the engine behind their hoaxes.

As long as they go in one direction, the Dems and the media are lucky.

We don't match their dishonesty.

This is some real Goebbels-level propaganda.

Transfer all the lies, conspiracies, hoaxes, and phony crimes that Fox News perpetuates on their airwaves to every other news outlet that refuses to glorify the convicted felon.

Then claim you are white as the virgin snow.

We don't have we don't have to because basically we don't have to make up crap.

Apparently, though, they hold us to a higher standard than they hold themselves.

Only they can cheat because they believe they have a moral high ground and that moral high ground allows them to do anything immoral they want.

They can call you Hitler.

They can interfere with elections.

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