Jim Jordan Wants To Destroy The Judicial Branch To Bow To Trump's Illegal Orders

2 hours ago 4

On Fox News Sunday, Rep Jim Jordan attacked the entire Judicial Branch and all federal judges who refused to cosign Trump's multitude of illegal and immoral orders.

To Gym Jordan there is only one branch of government in the United States and that's the Executive Branch.

JORDAN: We said these federal judges, these district federal judges, who issue some kind of injunction, some kind of hearing, or some kind of decision, I should say, that that decision should only apply to the parties of the case in that respective jurisdiction, not have nationwide implications.

So that's a step we took in committee two weeks ago to help deal with this problem.

And we're willing to look at everything else as well, because the American people are fed up with the judge in Timbuktu, California, saying something that then applies to the the entire country.

The MAGA cult celebrates any positive decision by the federal courts to claim victory. Only judges like Judge Aileen Cannon are tolerated and venerated.

However, whenever there is a decision made that goes against their fascism, MAGA GOP cries. Get ready for Judicial doxing to begin.

Let's hope federal judges have more spine than Chuck Schumer.

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