With the tragedy of Putin's murder of Alexei Navalny, it's LONG PAST TIME to have less patience for traitors among us. For the Tucker Carlsons, Mike Johnsons & Donald Trumps--the over half of the Republican Senate Caucus who voted against aiding Ukraine in its existential fight for survival.
So it was refreshing to see Senator John Fetterman, who's proven again and again he will not put up with Republican bullshit, hit Rand Paul for doing Vladimir Putin's dirty work.
Paul, in his naked attempt to aid a murderous dictator (this has been a family trait, btw, his dad took Russia's position on Crimea and was anti-NATO, his campaign manager and Nephew-in-Law was convicted of funneling Russian money to Trump) used every procedural method he could to try and block the Ukraine funding bill, including making Senators come in on the day of the Super Bowl.
So Fetterman called him a "prick" and "peckerhead," and made sure to tell any media that would listen that Paul was to blame for their predicament. He was on offense, defining the opposition and messaging the truth, using language he knew would guarantee coverage.
We need more Democrats doing this. We're getting better, but there's a lot left to do. Cliff Schecter, in this outstanding video, does a great job of weaving together Fetterman's slam on Paul, Putin's evil that controls so many Republican pols like Paul, ends lives of heroes like Navalny and fuels attacks by demagogues like Donald Trump on NATO.