John Oliver Offers Justice Clarence Thomas $1M A Year To Resign

11 months ago 5

Speaking of basic guaranteed income: Last night, John Oliver offered to give Clarence Thomas a million bucks a year out of his own pocket if he quits the Supreme Court immediately. Good offer, Clarence! Take it! Via Business Insider:

"This is not a joke," he said on the latest episode of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," which aired Sunday. "This is real. A million dollars a year until you or I die."

Besides offering Thomas money, Oliver said he would also throw in a $2.4 million motorcoach. The offer he said, would only be valid for the next 30 days.

"So that's the offer. A million dollars a year and a brand new condo on wheels, and all you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the fuck off the Supreme Court," Oliver said on the program.

Oliver made the hefty offer during the season premiere of his Emmy-award-winning show. Oliver spent most of the episode discussing the Supreme Court and the issues he said were plaguing it — one of them being Thomas.

Come on, Clarence. You hate your job, and we hate how you do it. Make America happy!

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