Junior: 'Biden's DOJ' Will Target You If You Buy A Bible

10 months ago 6

Donald Trump Jr. must be feeling the heat over President Joe Biden's accomplishments, so he dug up old news. I sincerely think they're in panic mode during an election year after their lies about Biden didn't stick, with some of them creating a backlash. They've tried to say that unemployment was low under Trump when he left office with the worst job numbers since Herbert Hoover, and Biden's record is stellar.

So, Junior unleashed a rant about the Department of Justice under Biden, claiming that if you buy a Bible, that info goes to the FBI and DOJ.

"Biden's DOJ treated Catholics like terrorists," he said on his Triggered podcast. "If you were a practicing Catholic, you were a domestic terrorist."

"If you bought a Bible, you were marked by your banks, and that information was given to said FBI and DOJ," he added. "They think churchgoing patriots are terrorists."

I wonder what happened to Biden then since they're allegedly targeting Catholics. He's a devout Catholic, and I'm sure he has a few Bibles. Meanwhile, Junior's father is hawking Bibles on Truth Social. I don't think Don Jr. has thought this out.

He got that rant from his father:

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