Kevin McCarthy Applies For A Job Serving In Trump Cabinet

1 year ago 7

Looks like former House Speaker and soon to be former Congressman Kevin McCarthy wants to add his name to the list of deplorables hoping to serve in the Trump administration if heaven forbid we find him back in the White House. Here's McCarthy talking to Bob Costa on CBS This Morning, officially endorsing Trump, and making some extremely optimistic predictions about their prospects in the House and the Senate if Trump is their nominee:

COSTA: Will Donald Trump be the nominee?

MCCARTHY: Yes. In the Republican Party? Yes. And if Biden stays as the nominee for the Democrats, I believe Donald Trump will win. I believe the Republicans will gain more seats in the House and the Republicans will win the Senate.

COSTA: Can he count on your support?


COSTA: That’s an endorsement?

MCCARTHY: I will support the president. I will support President Trump.

COSTA: Would you be willing to serve in a Trump cabinet?

MCCARTHY: In the right position. Look, if I’m the best person for the job. Yes. Look, I worked with President Trump on a lot of policies. We worked together to win the majority, but we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another.

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