Kevin McCarthy Takes Down Matt Gaetz Over Teenage Girls

7 months ago 3

Kevin McCarthy, the former Speaker of the House, who was humiliated when he was unceremoniously dispatched from his position which precipitated his retiring, took a hatchet in Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz.

CNN's Manu Raju, played a clip of Gaetz harassing him, and asked McCarthy to respond.

"It looks like he's on something. I hope Matt Gaetz gets the help he needs. And most importantly, I hope the young women get the justice they deserve." — Kevin McCarthy

— Christopher Hale (@chrisjollyhale) July 18, 2024

(You'd get booed off the stage, you would get booed off the stage," Gaetz said off cameras).

Raju: He said you'd get boot off the stage. What's your response to him?

McCarthy: You know, he looks very unhinged. I mean, a lot of people have concerns about him. And I'm not sure if he's on something, but I do hope he gets the help that he needs.

But more importantly, I hope the young women get the justice they deserve when it comes to him.

Raju: I mean, you're referring to the House Ethics Committee investigation that is ongoing.

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