On Tuesday, Wisconsin held a special election Democratic primary to fill a seat in the state senate. The winner of the primary will go on to become the state senator, at least until the end of the year because no Republicans are running for the seat.
However, even though it was a Republican-free primary election, that didn't stop the MAGA cultists and election deniers from doing a trial run for their plans for November's election. These whack jobs came from all over the state to converge on this one district to interfere with the primary. These so called "election observers" were causing numerous disruptions and impeding with the election processing with their frivolous challenges and objections, including trying to get on ballot invalidated because they saw a scratch on the ballot:
Election observers showed up at several polling locations in the Milwaukee area Tuesday, and two of them were removed by police in Glendale for being disruptive while objecting to absentee ballots, Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy said.
Glendale Police removed two observers at separate city polling sites for getting confrontational with poll workers, Kennedy said, but the rest were allowed to stay at polling locations in Glendale, Shorewood and the City of Milwaukee.