Marge's Boyfriend Brian Glenn Has An Idea

7 months ago 2

Formerly known as a fixture on live-streamed RSBN Trump rallies, Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend left RSBN for Steve Bannon's sedition network Real America's Voice, where he told guest host Natalie Winters he wants no unity whatsoever for the country, only armed confrontations.

GLENN: And they would be calling, okay, they'd be calling for the second amendment.

They would be taking your second amendment right. Where are the Republicans calling for gun control after the left attempted to suicide on President Trump? You would think that we would be calling for gun control.

No, we're not doing that, but the left would do that.

The left did not attempt to suicide on Trump. WTF? How could anyone commit suicide for Trump other than Trump? These are the brainiacs working for Trump.

GLENN: And I'll just leave you with this. The unity, I want the Republican party to unify. I want Americans to unify and get behind Republicans, but I'm not unifying with Democrats. End of story.

WINTERS: No, and I don't want to unify with, I would say, probably 60% of the Republican party either.

GLENN: I would aim into that, but we need the vote though. We need the vote.

WINTERS: We'll take the vote, but we want actual accountability. And you know what? If Steve were here, he'd be saying the same exact.

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