Megyn Kelly Said What?

7 months ago 4

Professional women across the country have lined up to support Kamala Harris for President.

Well, not ALL professional women (if you know what I mean and I think you do):

Disagree. She actually did sleep her way into and upwards in California politics and most women (and men) may learn that and see it for what it is: evidence of an unqualified political aspirant getting ahead based on smthg other than merit. It’s relevant, and fair game.

— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) July 22, 2024

Megyn “twirls for Roger Ailes” Kelly just earned herself a Golden Schlafly right there.

Meanwhile, this sexist take really takes a lot of balls:

Kamala Harris got her start in politics by sleeping with Willie Brown. She became Vice President because Biden needed a non-white female on the ticket. Now she likely becomes the Democratic nominee for president because the guy at the top of the ticket has dementia. She’s made a…

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