Moms For Liberty Chair Comes Completely Unglued After Seeing Drag Queens

8 months ago 4

Beth Bourne, a program director at UC Davis' Institute of Transportation Studies and the chair for the California chapter of Moms for Liberty, completely lost her shit after seeing some drag performers at a hotel lobby in Hawaii. Even sadder, Bourne's relationship with her nonbinary child clashed over their gender identity, and that prompted the 18-year-old to move out of her family home. So, not much of a Mom, eh?

Hawaii-area drag queen Marina del Rey posted about the incident on Facebook, and Bourne posted a clip of her harassing the drag performers on Xitter. Del Ray posted a longer clip of the woman going berzerk in her bad-built butch-body shorts. De Ray remained calm and polite throughout the incident, while Bourne continued to yell while filming the performers. In another clip posted by del Ray, you can see Bourne being handcuffed, although del Ray says the bigot wasn't arrested.

"Thank you for joining us," de' Ray says. "We all know it's about hate, so it's fine."

"No, I don't hate anybody," Bourne insisted. "I'm worried about the boys in my community who think that they could become women because they're effeminate. And they like wearing makeup, and they like wearing drag."

"Oh, you're wearing shorts on a tank top," del Ray calmly points out. "Is that masculine?"

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