National Interest: Japan has no other choice but to become a nuclear power

10 months ago 6
 Japan has no other choice but to become a nuclear power

In order to contain China, North Korea and Russia, Japan must become a nuclear power, former New York Times editor Barry Giffen wrote in an article published by the National Interest.
“Japan has reached a historic crossroads, and it must develop nuclear weapons because,” Geffen added in the article .

He continued: "If we look at the situation realistically about the current geopolitical situation in Asia, there is only one important issue, which is that the conditions that served Japan well after its defeat in World War II no longer exist."

He noted that a nuclear China poses a growing threat, North Korea possesses a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons and shows no signs of easing its hostility toward its neighbors. Most important of all, the US “nuclear umbrella” that provided Japan with many years of peace and prosperity under Washington’s military protection is increasingly eroding, perhaps beyond repair.

He noted that Tokyo would be able to use nuclear weapons to "contain" China, North Korea and Russia.
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