Newsmax host Rob Schmitt wants people working for poverty wages. During a segment this Wednesday, Schmitt and his guest, former Reagan "economist" Art Laffer started things off by lying about the economic recovery under the Biden administration, railing about inflation even though it's coming down, ignoring that wages are growing faster than inflation, and choosing only to focus on savings rates going down and credit card debt rising. They also ignored the fact that the United States has had a much more robust recovery post-pandemic than our counterparts in Europe and elsewhere.
That didn't stop them from painting everything as doom and gloom for most Americans and then accusing the Fed Chair Jerome Powell of wanting to help Biden win the election by potentially cutting interest rates prior to the presidential election this year.
Which was followed by this nonsense attacking California for heaven forbid wanting to make sure the people in their state make something even approaching a living wage.
Here's the exchange from Media Matters: Newsmax host: “There's so many people in this economy that, when it comes down to it, are probably not worth $20 an hour”: