Nikki Haley Serves Up Word Salad When Asked If She Would Be Trump's VP

1 year ago 7

Nikki Haley seems to have lost her footing in the last few days and it shows how unprepared she is for the big stage. The first error was crazy - she flat-out refused to say the word slavery when asked what the cause of the Civil War was. She gave some word salad about government telling people what they could and could not do - you know, OWN HUMANS AS IF THEY WERE PROPERTY.

Just one day later she was asked very bluntly by an audience member at a town hall: "This is a chance to redeem yourself after last night's slavery thing. Would you be able to say categorically that you will not accept being Trump’s VP?"

Her response? "I could say to you what you want to hear and you could go check that box and then go do whatever but I am going to continue to tell you my truth and that I always told the truth even when I was in the administration. President Trump and I worked well together."

That wasn't an outright no. Or even a maybe. She just ignored the question and rambled.

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