No Morals: Fox Business Credits Trump VP Pick With Stock Market Gains

7 months ago 2

As the stock market reaches record highs, Fox Business Network claims it was due to Trump picking extremist JD Vance as his VP.

President Biden's economy has been rocking for a long time now with the stock market hitting all-time highs, record jobs creation, and middle class growth, but viewers of the professional Wall Street news services, (CNBC included) rarely credit the president.

Maria asked her panel for final thoughts as the stock markets exploded with green.

Tricia McLaughlin, a Republican strategist claimed that there are no longer Trump voters who aren't afraid to reveal themselves. Trump voters have never been afraid to reveal themselves. If anything, they are obnoxious about it, and revel in telling you they are Trump supporters.

"I think JD Vance is going to be a game changer for the Republican party and I think everyone needs to do their research and not follow mainstream media, Maria," GOP political strategist Mehek Cooke opined. (As if Fox Business isn't as mainstream as anywhere else)

"Trump trade again today Maria. Watching some of these sectors and these stocks move has been absolutely fascinating," Cheryl Casone said. "Wall Street is on this train."

Every time the economy has great news, FOX Business dives in to pull out one negative sector or fact so they can downplay the progress of the Biden booming economy.

Unfortunately they have been successful so far if we believe some of the polls.

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