As we previously discussed here, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters just ordered all schools to teach the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through twelve.
Walters made an appearance on CNN this Tuesday and was asked about the mandate by host Pamela Brown, and Brown wasn't buying his arguments.
Brown asked Walters about the fact that the Bible "includes beheading, rape and incest" and whether or not he supported "includes beheading, rape, and incest," and was treated to a diatribe about how he only supports "teaching children our history accurately" before railing on about teachers' unions, the "radical left," and pretending you can't teach history accurately without including God.
Brown noted that Walters didn't answer her question and corrected a statement he made about Jefferson. He reminded Walters that Thomas Jefferson "advocated for freedom of religion actually, not the establishment of a religion for one," before again asking Walters if he was okay with "all teachings of the Bible."