Polis burns up tax dollars and carbon credits for Nordic junket

8 months ago 6

Gov. Polis is leading a junket to several Scandinavian countries at an untold cost to taxpayers to meet with unknown investors and convince them to invest in Colorado’s economy in order to punch their free travel tickets.

The propaganda mission is to convince the Nordic countries that Colorado is a global economic leader so they should do business with us.

From Polis’s official statement on the trip:

“Our strong international relationships create jobs for Coloradans and boost investment in our state. I am thrilled to help build new partnerships in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, nations that share our commitment to renewable energy, technological innovation, quantum computing and other thriving Colorado industries.”

In Denmark, Colorado officials will see how their wind energy would look in Colorado, if we were also a peninsula.

We’re wondering if the trip will also include tours of drug injection centers and economic inequality in Denmark, or just selfies for Insta at the top tourist destinations?

The governor’s office says the goal is to celebrate the paperwork signed in 2022 with the Finnish government to collaborate on sustainable technology.


Seems like they could have accomplished these meetings in a Zoom call instead of burning up carbon credits to fly 5,000 miles.

Polis’s entourage includes some Chamber of Commerce types, and folks from Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, and some feds from the National Renewable Energy Lab. State government employees from Natural Resources and Office of Economic Development and International Trade are also tagging along.

It’s good to be a bureaucrat on the taxpayers’ dime, and a friend of the governor.

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