Rick Santorum Compliments Biden: 'He Passed The Age Test'

11 months ago 4

Of all places to hear a fairly nuanced analysis of President Biden's State of the Union speech from Republicans, no one would have expected it to come from the highly MAGA Newsmax.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum explained that the big questions on President Biden's age and competency coming from the right and the Beltway media were more than answered after Thursday's speech.

I think [Biden] accomplished some important things for him tonight. Number one, he was very high energy. There is no question the president was amped up to give this speech.

I don't think he faded to the end. There was concern he wouldn't have enough energy through the whole thing. I think he had high energy throughout the process. He garbled a lot of words. He made some gaffes -- that I saw, but again, I mean, not horrible. I mean, and it didn't get worse as time went on.

So on the on the age issue, which to me was an important thing for him to accomplish it, I think he passed the test now.

I wonder if he will be admonished from his overlords? Or will it just drive Lumpy closer to the edge?

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