Ronna Lawyers Up For 'Big Payday' From NBC News

10 months ago 4

Not only is McDaniel seeking $600,000 in two years of salary owed but she's also exploring "potential defamation and hostile work environment torts" after MSNBC’s top talent blasted her on air. McDaniel will get the $600,000 for certain (that's just how those types of contracts are made) as she did not breach the terms. The lawsuits against MSNBC might also be won, or simply settled to spare the expense of going to trial. It's likely then that the Ronna McDaniel hiring will set NBC Universal back a minimum of $1,000,000 when all is said and done. Not a bad payday at all for less than 20 minutes work.

Source: Politico

Will it be the $600,000 interview?

The ramifications of NBC’s decision yesterday to part ways with former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel just two days after her paid network debut on “Meet the Press” are just starting to shake out. But they could be expensive.

McDaniel expects to be fully paid out for her contract — two years at $300,000 annually — since she did not breach its terms, according to a person close to McDaniel. That means that her single, not-quite-20-minute interview Sunday could cost NBC more than $30,000 per minute, or $500 per second.

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