A viral video on Telegram a couple of weeks ago of a Russian soldier coldly dispatching a fellow soldier after he'd been hit by a drone has proven to be a problem that just won't go away. Although unconcerned with their soldiers' morale at the front, such videos pose a problem for recruitment so the powers that be thought it necessary to lie about the event and claim it was Ukrainian soldiers instead.
Small problems with that claim include: they were wearing Russian uniforms with Russian insignia, the FPV video and the FPV drone that exploded were Ukrainian-made, and the geolocation of the event was behind the frontline on the Russian side near Robotyne. But aside from that...As the saying goes (paraphrased), never let facts get in the way of a preposterous bald-faced lie.
Source: Business Insider
Drone footage showing a Russian soldier shooting a comrade hurt in combat highlights the "brutal culture" of "callous" behavior in the Russian armed forces, war experts say.
"The attempted or deliberate killing of a fellow soldier is unprofessional," experts at the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War reported in a June 23 assessment.