Sniffy McAdderall Suggests Biden Will Come To The Debate All Coked Up

8 months ago 3

What excuse will Felon 45 come up with to get out of debating President Biden? You know his handlers must be freaking out since he's got even more luggage than he did when Biden trounced him in 2016. Interestingly, It was Trump who would sniff through rallies that he held non-stop through his four-year crime spree that he called a presidency. And it's Ronny Jackson, who has taken his fair share of drugs and loves a good drink or ten, who was his doctor. Jackson, who Trump calls "Johnson," turned the White House into a pill mill. Regardless, Trump suggested at his rally in Wisconsin that Biden would show up all coked up for their debate on June 27th. So, he's not Sleepy Joe anymore, eh?

"Biden doesn't have a clue," Trump insisted. "Now we're going to watch. Is anybody going to watch the debate?"

"He's going to be so pumped up," he continued. "He's going to be pumped up. You know, all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House."

Note: It wasn't last month, you demented old fool. It was last year, and your son, a human 8-ball, could have left it.

"What happened?" he said. "Who left it? Somebody left it. I wonder. Let's see."

"Somebody left a laptop in an office of a gentleman who was supposed to fix the laptop from hell," he continued as if there is any correlation to the previous comment, unless he's suggesting that Hunter Biden left the cocaine in the White House. "He never picked it up. And somebody didn't pick up."

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