When it comes to “eating the dip” in the crypto market, traders usually look for potential meme coins to add to their portfolios. Why? That’s because meme coins have a high volatile rate as compared to altcoins and might provide better returns when the market turns green. As the crypto market is down right now, conversations are happening around which meme coin to invest, and one coin that is dominating such conversation is BEFE.
BEFE’s Performance Statistics
As per current statistics, i.e., on April 16, 2024, BEFE’s market value is at $0.0001887, showing a massive downfall of 21.98%. In fact, the coin’s 24-hour trading value has also been affected by the crypto crash, which was down by 14.95%. However, amidst all this, investors are talking highly of BEFE, and some whale investors are even holding onto the coin.
Why? That’s because BEFE has shown massive growth of 160.94% (current percentile) since its launch. Additionally, its volatile percentile is at 24.06%, which clearly indicates that the coin can flip at any moment. Besides, the coin’s past performance also indicates that it has enough stamina to sustain the market crash and rise beautifully.
BEFE’s Immense Capability
Talking about why BEFE is the center of conversation amongst traders, the main factor would be the coin’s zero gas transaction fees. Yes, it was previously launched with no presale value and no tax policy. These two factors pushed the coin to the green zone, gaining attention in the market. Besides, the BEFE team has been going all in to make the meme coin community stronger. In fact, to keep investors engaged, they conduct various events like giveaways, airdrop events, etc., which help both traders and BEFE grow.
BEFE has already been listed on Pancakeswap, MEXC,, AscendEX, Biconomy, and DODO, which makes the meme coin highly accessible to a variety of traders. In fact, the BEFE team has recently launched the coin on Tapbit, CITEX, and Raydium, thus making it attainable for investors. Besides, it is extremely scarce unlike other meme coins that have trillions of coins floating all over the market. BEFE only has 100 Billion coins which directly increases its value and demand.
Final Words
It is well known that getting into the crypto market is like walking on thin ice, thinking twice before taking the next step. Due to this, it is extremely important to conduct thorough research and then make the decision of whether BEFE is the coin that fulfils your needs for crypto investment or not.