The Internet Drags 'Racist Piece Of Sh*t' Charlie Kirk To Hell

1 year ago 9

I get it. Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk looks up to Donald Trump, so he's trying to prove that he, too, can be a disgusting pig. It's as if he's in a race to the bottom. Trump's big fat mouth just got him in $83.3 million worth of trouble for defamation, and it looks like Kirk is jealous, so he is on Twitter libeling Yusuf Salaam, formerly of the wrongly incarcerated Central Park Five, in the worst way imaginable. Kirk has to know that his hero, Donald Trump, took out a full-page ad in several prominent newspapers back in 1989 calling for the death penalty amid the firestorm of attention the Central Park Five was getting for a heinous crime they did not commit.

Salaam was only 15 years old at the time. More than a decade after the vicious attack, while still imprisoned for attacking five other women in 1989, serial rapist Matias Reyes confessed to the rape. Trump refused to apologize to the individuals he wanted to be put to death.

Donald Trump knows what happened.

Charlie Kirk knows what happened.

But the truth doesn't matter to Charles.

"New York City councilman Yusuf Salaam, who once took part in the gruesome gang rape of a jogger in Central Park, is now furious that an NYPD officer dared to pull him over for having illegally tinted windows," Kirk posted on X. "Salaam wasn’t even arrested or given a ticket, but after getting away with gang rape he apparently thinks he deserves to be completely above the law. "

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