The Late Show Shreds Haley For Her Endorsement Of Trump

9 months ago 10

The Late Show did what they do best with this mash-up using Haley's own words to make a mockery of her recent flip-flop saying she'll vote for Trump after months on end of criticizing him during the primary.

Here's their opening from this Thursday night's show with a fake ad from "whoever owns Nikki Haley" endorsing Trump:

REPORTER: Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley said yesterday that she does plan to vote for Trump in November.

HALEY: I will be voting for Trump.

REPORTER: This, despite saying just a few months ago that he didn't deserve to have a driver's license, let alone be president again.

The following ad has been paid for by whoever owns Nikki Haley.

HALEY: As a voter, I put my priorities on a president...

who's not qualified to be the president of the United States.

A president who was...

trying to buddy up with Putin. Every time he was in the same room with him, he got weak in the knees.

A president who...

was confused when he said that Biden was going to run us into World War II.

Trump has gotten...

more unstable and unhinged...

thin-skinned and easily distracted.

Chaos follows him.

He's never known how to sacrifice, and the most harm he's ever possibly had is getting hit by a golf ball when he's sitting in a golf cart. That's the truth.

I'm Nikki Haley...

and I will be voting...

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