The most dangerous man in politics wants to be Colorado’s next governor

4 hours ago 2

Michael Bennet is spreading rumors he wants to be Colorado’s next governor to replace Jared Polis.

The Democrat senator is wise to gauge support before committing to another humiliating political defeat.

PeakNation™ will recall Bennet was jockeying for last place in the 2020 presidential race when forced to concede just weeks into the primary election season to Joe Biden.

After living inside the Beltway for his nearly 16 years in the Senate, Bennet is ready to bring home all that generational wealth he amassed as our public servant, which now ranges upwards of nearly $31 million from his remarkably successful market investments.

In Colorado, Bennet is a one percenter in terms of wealth. Nancy Pelosi must be very proud of him.

What would a Gov. Bennet mean for Coloradans?

We will certainly kiss our TABOR refunds goodbye and can expect massive tax increases under Bennet’s pet project to reinstate the old welfare system of paying people large sums of money based on the number of children they produce.

Gen X will remember that scheme for producing welfare queens, until it was abolished by then President Clinton in the early 90s when Republicans took control of the U.S. House for the first time in 40 years.

Bennet calls it a “child tax credit” and got Congress to approve a temporary revival during COVID.

Unfortunately, after the crisis passed, the payouts continued, and it crippled our workforce because people were making so much money by staying home and plundering the government’s social welfare system instead of returning to the able-bodied workforce.

If elected, Bennet would also perpetuate the state Democrat Party’s end run around democracy through their vacancy scheme that skips elections and denies Coloradans their votes.

Instead of serving their full terms, Democrats quit their elected jobs early to allow for entrenched party vacancy committees to choose their successor. Then they use the power of incumbency to get elected over, and over, and over again.

That’s how Bennet got this job in the first place. When Democrat U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar quit before his term was complete to take a job in the Obama administration, the successor was hand-picked by the governor, who was then Democrat Bill Ritter.

If Bennet keeps his seat while running for governor, like he did when running for president, he will get to choose his own successor if he won.

Bennet is an elitist and a faux Coloradan who bought a one-day fishing license just to shoot a campaign ad pretending to be an avid fly fisherman.

PeakNation™ will also remember with side-splitting laughter that time Bennet posed in his freshly pressed blue jeans against a decorative tractor at Big B’s Orchard in Hotchkiss while taking a scheduled call from then President Biden for another photo op.

He is neither an outdoorsman nor farmer, but the whitest white man this state has ever seen. When he deigns to visit us.

Also running to replace Polis who is mercifully term limited, are Secretary of State Jena Griswold, Attorney General Phil Weiser, maybe U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse.

It’s a line-up from Hell.

With Republicans cast to the wilderness while Dave Williams is at the helm of the state party, it’s difficult for conservatives to compete in this election as Williams has a bad reputation for trashing every candidate he didn’t personally hand pick — much like the Democrats do.

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