Trump Brags About How He Got Rid Of Roe Abortion Rights

1 year ago 7

Morning Joe regulars couldn't believe how Trump proudly took credit for blowing up abortion rights at last night's Fox town hall.

"It was the easiest thing. I've never seen, never seen a paid advertisement on Fox News, or anywhere else. this was, like, Glenn Beck survival scenes back when he had a show there. It was like an advertisement for Donald Trump. And even in that setting, he did this.

TRUMP: For 54 years, they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it. I'm proud to have done it. They wanted to get it back, right? You wouldn't have that.

You're right, O Orange One. If it wasn't for you, a 12-year-old who was impregnated by her stepfather wouldn't have had to flee her state. Good for you! I'm sure that will be very popular with voters, and we'll be sure to remind them.

We did it, and we did something that was a miracle. when i walked onto the stage today, a gentleman in the back, probably works for Fox, nice guy --

"You know, it is really something, Wllie, he said, "I did it. Nobody else could have done it. I terminated Roe v. Wade." And everybody in his campaign staff was like, oh, my God.

"The old man did it again. He can't help himself," Scarborough said.

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