Morning Joe ran a supercut of all the times Trump lost it during speeches this weekend. (It was painful to watch.)
"Speaking of, Donald Trump was on the campaign trail this weekend in North Carolina and Virginia, and the guy just kept getting confused. Look at this series of clips," Joe Scarborough said.
"In Venezuela, did you just see Maduro, it's an unbelievable -- we're getting rid of the Romneys of the world. We want to get Romneys and those out. But they know that we are the only ones who can stop them, the only ones. This is the greatest movement in the history of the country, in any country. Even Argentina went MAGA. You know Argentina, great guy. He loves Trump. I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took the call. Anybody that loves me, I like that. I said, Abdul, he's still there, the head of the Taliban. I said, you're killing our soldiers, don't do it. I said our terror will rain down on you. He said, yes, your highness, which was interesting. Saudi Arabia and Russia will be -- oh."