Donald Trump was warned on Saturday that, if he keeps catering to the "Mar-a-Lago crowd," he's going to learn how quickly things will fall apart for him and his major coalition.
Former White House speech writer Jesse Moore appeared on MSNBC over the weekend to discuss Trump's ongoing transition.
MSNBC host Christina Ruffini asked Moore about MAGA infighting over immigration concerns.
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Moore said there's a false sense that Trump's supporters are united, when in reality "it's a very finely knit-together coalition."
"It's almost like there's a Mar-a-Lago wing of the coalition who think of his presidency as a place you bring wine and gifts and flatter the host and get what you want and then there is the MAGA wing of the coalition who want to see the wrecking ball swing and take down the whole system," he said. "The biggest piece of this coalition he stitched together were a bunch of voters who were just mad and he is speaking their native tongue, p----- off."
He then added, "If he does too much to take care of the Mar-a-Lago crowd going or the MAGA crowd going down ideological rabbit holes and not bringing down the cost of groceries he will find out really quick how fast this can fall apart."